Thursday, August 24, 2006


This post is merely a collection of photographs from 2006. Some appeared on the prior webpage we had, but they were worth being memorialized here permanently. Enjoy!

"They made me go out in the snow!"

The onesie says it all!

"I think your nose is bigger than mine."

Celebrating Passover

Mother's Day (May, 2006)

Father's Day (June, 2006)

Montreal - August, 2006

In August, Helena went with her parents to Lake George, NY and Montreal to celebrate their second wedding anniversary. It was Helena's first trip outside of the United States!

At Lake George, New York

Out for dinner for Sara and Jeff's second wedding anniversary

Atop Mont Royal (1976 Olympic site in distance)

Fun in the car back to the United States

Florida - July, 2006

We went to Florida in July for a wedding, but also to see Helena's great-grandmother. This was not only Helena's first time on an airplane, but it was also her first time in a swimming pool.