It's not even Helena's official birthday yet, but she is already having her second birthday party, this time with the family in New Jersey. After a wonderful dinner out at a restaurant, the family returned home for a homemade cake prepared by Sara (she's accepting orders now for birthdays and any occasion).

Helena making a funny face while out at dinner

Helena, dressed in her party outfit, with Daddy and Mommy

Helena's Elmo Birthday cake (created and prepared by Sara)

"Is that cake all for me?"

Helena eating birthday cake

"I really like this gift"

Tickling Elmo while he is still in the box

Opening birthday gifts

"I'm going to take my own picture if you don't mind!"

Helena with Grandpa and her baby doll Becca

Daddy with Helena and her baby dolls, Carol and Becca

Helena getting ready to go out for a ride on her new tricycle with her baby dolls