After a shortened day at daycare, Jonathan had his 1-year doctor's visit. He weighed in at a mere 21 lbs and 29 1/2 inches long (he has been sick on and off for the past several weeks so that has seemed to contribute to the lack of weight gain; he gained less than 1/2 lb since January). It does appear that two teeth are on the cusp - one on the top and one on the bottom, and two more will probably follow those shortly.

Jonathan opening his gift from Mommy and Daddy

Jonathan jumped right on his fire truck before Daddy had a chance to take it out of the box

Jonathan enjoying his birthday dinner - pasta and meat sauce

"Happy Birthday to Jonathan..."

Helping Jonathan blow out his candle (kinda hard when you have a thumb in your mouth)

Jonathan didn't hesitate to attack his cupcake

Helena enjoying her cupcake

Jonathan upset that there is no more cupcake to eat