The birthday girl, in her party dress with her "1st Birthday" tiara

The birthday room all decorated for the party.

Helena and Mommy

Mommy, Helena, and Daddy

Bubbe, Helena, and Mommy

Papa, Auntie Danielle, and Cousins Avi and Becca

Grandpa and Helena

Grandma and Helena

The birthday cake, made and designed by Sara (it looks professionally made!). Notice Helena's hand sneaking in at the bottom to get her first lick of icing!

The rest of the desserts (also prepared by Sara). The fruit on the stick is shaped like animals from Noah's Ark (as if there wasn't enough food for dinner, Sara made enough dessert to feed everybody on an ark ten times over).

Let's eat cake!

Helping Mommy open gifts.

Good tasting sweater (must not have had enough birthday cake). The red sweater is from the GAP and was part of their AIDS charity promotion.

Cousin Kobe enjoying Helena's gift and remembering when he was that age and had the same toy!

Helena, wearing bib 'Cuse Cutie from cousin Rose at Syracuse University. She'll wear the bib, but in her heart, Helena is true to the Maize and Blue!

Auntie Amanda and Helena

Auntie Esta, Cousin Robert, and Helena at Harold's Deli for breakfast on October 15th. As if we didn't eat enough at the birthday party the night before, we decided to go to a family-style deli for breakfast (see below picture).

Is that blueberry pancake all for me?!?

Cousins Becca and Avi

Helena doing the "Happy Food" dance. She does this when she enjoys what she is eating, which is most of the time.
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