Today officially started college football season, which means it is Jonathan's induction into the family tradition of tailgating and football watching on Fall Saturdays. Helena was all excited for the food and helping Sara making mini-pizzas, though, as the pictures show, she was not wild about being photographed as well. Thankfully, Michigan did not leave us disappointed and started off this season with a clear-cut win. Hopefully that continues for most of the season or else our Saturdays will just be about eating food!

Jonathan is ready to cheer on the Michigan Wolverines

Helena dressed to cheer on the Maize and Blue

Helena and Jonathan

The Michigan Men

Daddy and Helena showing off the food spread prepared by Sara, though Helena half-thrilled about taking time out for a photograph (Sara professed that this picture will be reshown again at Helena's wedding at some point in the future)
thats the face i used to make when i was annoyed by the paparazzi...she needs pompoms, that will keep her entertained watching the game.